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Discover the ONLY method of removing objections that GUARANTEES increased sales

If you have been nailing down objections up to now, I am convinced that your sales will increase several times over if you just put this method into practice. I guarantee you that this programme is all you need to finesse twice as many sales. And if your sales don't increase, I will refund your money.

A programme to neutralise objections, in which I show in a LIVE training session how to shatter the most common objections in your sector!

Receive ready-made answers that will increase your sales effectiveness KILLINGLY!

The publicist

Tired of ineffective sales conversations that end in failure after a clumsy attempt to beat back objections?
Customers dismiss you and avoid the conversation?

Forget what we call objection-busting.

Forget manipulation and cheap persuasive tricks to 'sell' the customer.

You don't need them!

I'll show you step by step how to neutralise objections with the 4U method and increase the effectiveness of your sales conversations QUICKLY!

If you are an experienced sales person, this method will change your life.

If you are just starting out in sales, this programme will prove to you that objections are the easiest and most enjoyable part of the conversation.

You don't need any experience, because I will guide you step by step to the mastery of neutralising objections.

You will learn to close like Mrozowski!

This is the only method that GUARANTEES you an increase in effectiveness, or you get your money back.

No questions asked.

No hooks.

Forget once and for all about ineffective methods of beating back objections.

Imagine how much more money you will make by increasing the effectiveness of your sales calls by just 10%?

I am convinced that with the 4U method, your effectiveness will increase several times over.

This programme is for you if:

You want READY templates for neutralising objections, to be implemented immediately (copy-paste at your place),
You want to learn to neutralise objections without being pushy,
You want to increase the effectiveness of your sales calls by several times You want to make more money,
You want to see me neutralise an objection in front of hundreds of people,
You want to build better relationships with your customers,
You want answers to the most common objections in your industry,
You want a GUARANTEE of effectiveness or a refund.

This is the only opportunity to bring about a real revolution in your sales conversations.

Learn the know-how that I use in my individual training sessions for private and corporate clients.

These are ready-made strategies and schemes that you can implement at your place in just a few hours.

Copy. Paste.

Why do I want to give it all to you?

Because my ears bleed when I hear most trainers teach OBVIOUSNESS.

You don't have to be particularly bright to see that PROVING a customer wrong will not contribute significantly to increasing sales.

Let's assume purely hypothetically a situation where a customer throws you an objection along the lines of:

When a customer says something is too expensive, he backs down and starts defending himself.

If you start thrusting arguments at him, it won't make him unveil himself. It will make him hide even more. It's like during a boxing fight.

The client drops his guard (objection) and you throw punches at him (arguments).

You confirm to him that putting his guard down was a good idea.

He has outflanked you and proudly comes out defensively.

He won.

The second situation, even worse, is when you ask:

"and why do you think it is too expensive?".

Because if the customer hasn't had a REAL objection so far, he will start looking for arguments to confirm his opinion himself.

That is, he will reinforce his belief that it is indeed too expensive.

After all, this is a SCANDAL.

If you want to increase your sales, stop making life difficult for yourself.

The 4U method is a method, it is a method that comes from psychology.

It uses schemes that subconsciously destroy the customer's objections using a logical-emotional loop.

In this way, you are not an aggressive boxer who wraps the customer in hopeless arguments.

The customer doesn't put their guard up because they don't feel the need to.

Anything that does not lower the customer's 'behavioural guard' during the conversation will put it on. Therefore, the absolute most important thing is how you lower the customer's guard.

I will show you how to do this.

Most people can't get past objections in a conversation, they don't know how to respond to them. It's much easier to talk to a customer when you know how to respond to each objection.

This can be learned because objections are repetitive. By using ready-made patterns, you will be ready for every objection.

Who am I to talk about sales and objections?

Mateusz Mrozowski

Sales trainer. FORBES publicist. Author of bestselling books on the subject of sales.

Efficiency. These are the words that best describe what I do.

I have been involved in sales for more than 10 years and my proprietary schemes are used by some of the biggest companies in the country.

I train around 2,000 people online and offline every month. 

Called years ago the wolf of Pollstreet. Awarded multiple times for best sales performance, best salesperson in the organisation and best director. My mission is to fight for better sales.

Let's fight for it together, in your business.

How can I be so sure that these methods will work?

How is it possible that my clients' sales effectiveness is so high, while all the rest are having trouble "nailing down objections?"

I have been in sales for over 10 years.

My programmes are used by thousands of people.

My proprietary strategies are used by the largest companies in Poland.

It is not a coincidence that I am chosen by thousands of salespeople - I do not have a single negative review out of more than 4,000 people who have benefited from my knowledge in the last several months.


Anyway, look what others are saying about me:

Przemysław Kawecki

Sales Manager

"I would wholeheartedly recommend the Akademie with Mateusz Mrozowski. Already during the first meeting I noticed with what passion he transmits his knowledge to the trainees.

The most important thing that sets this training apart from others is the fact that we are held accountable for what we have memorised in the form of tasks in class and exams after each completed section. The knowledge, gained by me, is immediately implemented into my sales team for both the company shop department and the B2B channel."

Katarzyna Tytko

Sales Area Manager

I decided to take the 'Directors' School' training course because I wanted to expand my knowledge in leadership and team management. I have been working as a director for a few years now and I have noticed how important it is to be not just a management manager, but a real leader. At the training, this is exactly the kind of knowledge I wanted to deepen, and the attitude of the presenter Mateusz Mrozowski, who openly talks about his conversion and faith, is in line with my personal beliefs and life philosophy. (...)

Seweryn Michalski

Pig nutrition advisor

Choosing this course turned out to be a hit in 10! First of all, it helped me to sort out most of the sales issues and gave me a new perspective on the subject. I got a lot of knowledge about sales, management and leading teams. It allowed me to get a lot more and faster new customers, which translated into doubling my income in a relatively short period of time. Completing the course gave me exactly what I expected. Within 6 months my sales tripled, there is no point in writing more

Anna Jasiołek

Sales Specialist and Customer Service Specialist

(...) Very high level of content and organisation, great knowledge of the instructors supported by experience. This is a school for serious people. What surprised me positively? The high demands in terms of learning and thought-provoking towards the participants, which definitely resulted in us being more engaged. Mega experience. What's more, I'm working with Matthew and Martina today, so it's a confirmation that the possibilities after completing the Training Programmes are endless

Bogumiła Dudek

Internal Coach

If you have also found your passion in training, in the development of people and want to become a Trainer in 8 mc then I recommend the "Academy of Business Trainers" at Mateusz Mrozowski - It's not a fairy tale, it's a fact and I am living proof of this. In October 2021, without thinking much, I made a decision and enrolled in the Academy. At that time, I already knew I wanted to be a Trainer, I had already worked as a Trainer in the pharmaceutical industry, I had always LOVED, LOVED sales and people, but I didn't understand it, I didn't know the psychology, the structures, the tactics. Today, with this knowledge, I know how to find my way in any industry when it comes to sales. (...)

Martyna Księżniakiewicz

Business Development Specialist, Business Coach

(...) Matthew puts his whole heart into teaching others and creating leaders, and today we work together and train more Academy participants. If I could decide to join the Coaches Academy again, or any other Training Programme, I would do so without hesitation, because I know how much the commitment and knowledge imparted can influence professional and personal development. The Academy is not just a course that ends with a certificate, it is a school of life and truth where everyone begins to understand themselves even more and improve their weaknesses, making them a true warrior.

Today I am sharing all this knowledge in the form of an online programme that you can implement immediately for yourself.

It's your winning totolottery ticket so you get the knowledge that cost me over 10 years.

Many downfalls, refusals, lessons learned.

This programme is a nod to all the people who are where I was years ago....

I knew there was a method to effectively neutralise objections, but I didn't know how....

All these years I have been exploring this knowledge, battle-testing everything and today I have a solution that simply works.

It works to the point where I give you a guarantee of improved results.

I will tell you all the secrets of objections.

Without spilling any water.

You will receive a recording from me where I neutralise the objection during a live speech.

A ready-made template to implement with you.

If this template does not make you improve your effectiveness, I will simply refund your money.

You will receive from me a magic pill that encapsulates all my knowledge about objections. 

If you use it, objections will never be a challenge for you. 

This is the knowledge that allows you to generate spectacular results for my clients in sales. All you have to do is copy it.

What you learn works NOW.

It's not knowledge from courses and books that were current 5 years ago and don't work.
You won't find this knowledge in ANY book.

It works. Here and now.

I'm convinced that the knowledge in this course will save you the nerves of searching for ways that may or may not work in your business.

You will save a lot of time and money with re-worked and proven schemes.

I give you a 100% guarantee on this!

I wanted to create a programme that is unrivalled.

I want you to be delighted with the knowledge I will give you right in the course. That's why you get a guarantee from me to improve your results or simply pay nothing.

It's not click bait.

You have my word, if your results don't improve after this course, I will refund you 100% of the money you bought the programme for.

I have a hidden purpose in this. 

I believe you will recommend my course further if I deliver great results for you.

But that's not all.
If you make a decision NOW you will receive GENIAL bonuses from me that you won't find anywhere else.



Improve your results within 14 days or just don't pay!


It's not clickbait, it's not a hook or a no-strings-attached promise.

It's very simple and I don't know how I can put it into words more simply.

Either you improve your results with the knowledge in the programme, or I refund 100% of the money you bought the programme for.

I have tested this knowledge in virtually every industry, it has been tested by THOUSANDS of CUSTOMERS - I am sure it will work for you too, so you have my guarantee!



I will show you how to close the sale when you have neutralised the objections.

You will learn all the methods of closing a sale and choose the one that works best for you.

With this bonus, no sale will scare you and your effectiveness will jump to a whole new level.

If you decide to join this programme, you get all the recordings immediately on my training platform.
In just 10 minutes you can learn how to neutralise objections.

Learn the process that works for the first, the fifth and every industry after that.

Regardless of your experience.

How many times have you had a good conversation, but then the customer dismissed you and avoided the conversation? 

How many times have you been angry with yourself because you didn't know how to deal with an objection?

Forget about it once and for all.

With this programme, objections will never be a problem for you.

Take advantage of ready-made and only proven solutions.

After going through my programme Neutralising Objections, you will learn how to have a conversation with a customer so that all they ask for is their account number.

Here is what you will learn in the programme:

You will learn about the types of objections (initial and proper) and how to deal with them
You will receive ready-made schemes for neutralising objections that you can use immediately in your conversations,
Ready Workbooks to help you prepare for any objection,
U method, so that the only thing customers will ask for is the account number for the transfer,
You will learn the power words that leave your client's behavioural guard up,
You will learn how to distinguish an initial objection from a proper one,
I will show you how to recognise a customer's true objection and successfully finalise the sale,
You will see how I neutralise the most common objections live during a speech.

+ bonuses you won't find anywhere else!



Improve your results within 14 days or just don't pay!


It's not clickbait, it's not a hook or a no-strings-attached promise.

It's very simple and I don't know how I can put it into words more simply.

Either you improve your results with the knowledge in the programme, or I refund 100% of the money you bought the programme for.

I have tested this knowledge in virtually every industry, it has been tested by THOUSANDS of CUSTOMERS - I am sure it will work for you too, so you have my guarantee!



I will show you how to close the sale when you have neutralised the objections.

You will learn all the methods of closing a sale and choose the one that works best for you.

With this bonus, no sale will scare you and your effectiveness will jump to a whole new level.

All this you can purchase today at an outrageously low price....

With money back guarantee!

One payment, unlimited access for $297!
49 $!

Receive the Neutralising Objections programme, together with the guarantee and the Sales Finalisation course for $49!

* Package includes all bonuses and the entire Neutralising Objections programme NO HIDDEN FEES OR SUBSCRIPTIONS!
This is a one-off payment for unlimited access to the training.

Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone © 2021 - M&M Mateusz Mrozowski

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